PERSONAL INJURY PROTECTION (PIP), including medical payments

Personal Injury Protection – Otherwise known as “PIP,” this is your medical coverage for injuries you (and others) suffer in an auto accident. PIP pays if you or other persons covered under your policy are injured in an auto accident. It is sometimes called “no-fault” coverage because it pays your own medical expenses no matter who caused the auto accident.

PIP has two parts – (1) coverage for the cost of treatment you receive from hospitals, doctors and other medical providers and any medical equipment that may be needed to treat your injuries and (2) reimbursement for certain other expenses you may have because you are hurt, such as lost wages and the need to hire someone to take care of your home or family. You may purchase both parts of PIP coverage or medical treatment coverage only, depending upon your needs.

Personal Injury Protection

Garruto & Calabria, Attorneys At Law
609 Franklin Avenue, Nutley, NJ 07110
Phone: 973-661-4455
Fax: 973-661-2555

Garruto Calabria, Attorneys At Law